1. 启用UEFI引导(建议选择混合或者开启CSM模式)
2. 关闭这些:安全启动,快速启动,LAN/WAN切换,LAN唤醒,USB唤醒,PXE引导(相关),“扩展空闲电源状态”(如果有),串口(如果有),Firewire/IEEE 1394(如果有)
3. UEFI引导顺序:设置操作系统引导管理器或笔记本计算机硬盘驱动器为第一项
4. 旧引导顺序:设置笔记本计算机硬盘驱动器为第一项
5. 对于Skylake、KabyLake或更高系列,启用"Launch Hotkeys without Fn keypress"
6. IGPU图形模式设置为128MB或者更高(如果有,此项非常重要!)
7. 针对独显/双显卡机型请关闭Hybrid Graphics(如果有),否则显卡无法正常驱动
8. 安装完系统后,对于Skylake或更高(Intel 5代或者之后的CPU)系列,在UEFI引导菜单内如发现Windows Boot或者Mac OS X或者其他相似的字样,请直接禁用(是的你没看错,我也没写错),否则无法默认自动进入本地硬盘的Clover引导
开机按F9进入启动选项,可通过以下任意一种姿势选择设备进入引导,下列以引导优盘UEFI方式的Clover EFI举例
A.选择"External USB Hard Drive"
B.选择"Boot From EFI File",依次进入"EFI-Clover-CLOVERX64.efi"
BIOS settings From RehabMan
To start, set BIOS to defaults.
Then insure:
- UEFI boot is enabled (hybrid/with CSM for best result)
- secure boot is disabled
- disable fast boot
- IGPU graphics memory set to 64mb, if available
- disable the serial port via BIOS option, if available
- disable "LAN/WLAN switching", if available
- disable "Extended Idle Power States" if you find it under "Power Management Options"
- disable "Wake on LAN" and "Wake on USB"
- disable Firewire/IEEE 1394, if your laptop has it
- for Skylake and KabyLake laptop, enable "Launch Hotkeys without Fn keypress"
Note: If you have a laptop with switchable graphics, leave it enabled. You can still use it on Windows, although the discrete card will be disabled when running OS X by the ACPI patches provided here. If you want to also disable it in Windows (via BIOS option), make sure you read about the DGPU option in your model specific SSDT (source is in SSDT-HACK.dsl), as in the scenario where the DGPU is disabled by BIOS, DGPU should be set to zero.